Category: News

Mid October 2020 Action

At The Waterfront Today … Come on out! (10/24 – Sat). See my calendar! My next show will be Sunday morning at the Lakeside Diner in Forked River with Josh Werner and Jeremy Renner....

2nd Week Of Shows For October 2020

Here We Go Yes, the rumors are out that restaurants, diners, and bars are going to move some of their outdoor entertainment inside. I’ve talked to a couple of owners and managers who are...

First Shows For October 2020

Rockin’ It At Riv’s Again Once again the week starts out on a Tuesday rockin’ the Riv’s outdoor dining. It’ll be with Johnny Brue and Kenny in that same Toms River location as last...

End Of September 2020

Rockin’ Riv’s My first show this week was with Johnny Brue and Kenny at Riv’s in Toms River. Yes, we dodged some raindrops. However, it really was a very nice warm night with customers...

Into Week #4 – September 2020

Busy Four Days Thursday (9/21) kicks off a four day stretch of gigs with the Brue Crew. The trio will be rockin’ Riv’s Toms River Hub at 5:30pm sharp. You can also check out...

Mid-September 2020 Gigging

Rockin’ At Maggie’s The mid-September rockin’ has already begun. On Wednesday, the 16th, the Brue Crew had its regularly scheduled bi-weekly show with the addition of Adam Lewis (Aloha Monkey) on percussion. Adam, perched...

More September 2020, Into Week #2

Lining Em’ Up It seems like this week’s schedule, at least for me, is all about locking gigs in one-by-one. All the TBD’s (To Be Determined’s) on my calendar should be cleared up well...

September 1st Gigging (2020)

It’s Only Just Begun Monday, August 31st, I traveled down to Buckalew’s to jam out with “Josh Werner & Friends“. The quartet of talent included Josh Werner, Bobby Baxmeyer, Jeff Propert, and of course...